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Clarkston Community Schools

During my time as a Clarkston Community Schools Board member the district has:

  • Implemented Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), which captures all students, meeting them where they are academically and supporting them on their journey toward success. Each tier allows for the curriculum to become personalized for the student.
  • Increased instructional support to help boost student achievement.
    Positions added include:
    • Certified teachers at each elementary school working as interventionists around literacy and math
    • Elementary math coaches literacy coaches
    • Secondary math and literacy coaches
    • Social-emotional interventionists and coaches
    • A school psychologist at every school
  • Saved our taxpayers over $4,000,000 in interest savings and deferred costs by refinancing our debt when appropriate.  Acted as good financial stewards in accomplishing these refinancings and implementing and overseeing spending from the 2016 bond.
  • Offered a multitude of opportunities for students to explore their interests and find a sense of belonging. Examples include CSMTech, several performing and fine arts classes, dozens of clubs, and a wide range of sports teams.
  • Placed a strong emphasis on student and staff well-being and mental health.
  • Expanded options for career exploration.
  • Passed the non-homestead millage in May of 2015, which added tax dollars to the district without raising taxes for any homeowner.
  • Passed and implemented the 2016 bond which funded $76 million for the completion of safety, technology, and building projects across our district and the implementation of the Instructional Technology Department.
  • Developed the 2019-2025 Strategic Plan. This plan is the driving force behind all decisions in the district, keeping student wellness and achievement at the forefront.
  • Signed and renewed the lease for the Clarkston Family Farm.

Points of Pride